How To Make USB Bootable ( 2.0 Or 3.0 USB )

In this tutorial i will teach you how to make the USB 2.0 or 3.0 Bootable manually but fastest way using 

  1. Run DiskPart by pressing Win+R in your keyboard and and type "diskpart".
If ask to allow click yes and cmd will show like this.

  • Type "list disk" - this command will show the available flash drive with their appropriate size
  • Type  "select disk 1" - the 1 is the corresponding number of your flash drive with the appropriate size.
  • Type  "clean" - this command will remove all the partition.
  • Type "create partition primary" - this command will create a bootable partition.
  • Type  "active"
  • Type  "format fs=ntfs quick" - this command will format the flash drive in ntfs quick format.
  • Type  "assign" - this command gives the USB drive a drive letter, making it easy to access from Windows Explorer.
  • Type  "exit" - done with the cmd diskpart thing.
  • This is the last step. You need to copy everything inside the CD/DVD or ISO onto the Flash Drive by simply Ctrl+A to select all and drag to the Flash Drive or Ctrl+A to Select all and Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to the Flash Drive to paste it. 
  • (If your using ISO format i recommended to use Deamon Tool Lite. to run it just like you run a CD.)
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is a Author at Hacking Tides. Hacking tides is place to Learn About Hacking and related to Hacking Topics.Giving information about Online Earning and Windows Hacking Tricks.

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