How to Spoof Mac Address

Change Mac Address On Android Phone

How to Spoof MAC Address on Android Phones

Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a 12-character unique identifier assigned to a specific piece of hardware such as the network adapter of your WiFi device

  • On the Home Screen of your phone, tap Menu button and go to Settings.
  • Tap About Device and go to Status
  • Now scroll down to record the 12-digit code shown under Wi-Fi Mac address. An address would read something like:

Requirements for Spoofing the MAC Address

  1. Rooted Android Phone
  2. BusyBox app installed on your phone
  3. Once BusyBox is installed, you need to install Terminal app
Once the above requirements are satisfied, follow the instructions below to spoof your MAC address:
  1. Open the Terminal app and type the commands as listed below:
    $ su [HIT ENTER]
    $ busybox iplink show eth0 [HIT ENTER]
    (This will show your current MAC address, just for your confirmation)
  2. Now, type the following command:
    $ busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX [HIT ENTER]
    (In the above command, replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with your new MAC address)
  3. You have now spoofed your MAC address successfully. To check for the change enter the following command again:
    $ busybox iplink show eth0 [HIT ENTER]
    (Now you should see your new MAC address)
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